Arthur Hall Collection
Materials listed here are now in the
Special Collections Research Center
Temple University Libraries
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AH = Arthur Hall
ER = Elizabeth Roberts
AADE = Afro-American Dance Ensemble
Additional materials sought
1984 chronology
AADE @ the University Museum, U of Penna
Feb. 17 and 18
Performing Uhrobo Festival and The Visitation
ER, Sweet Saturday Night
March 6 - 11, 1984 @ Brooklyn Academy of
Monmouth College, March 22
Omo Africa, Shango, Celebration, Watusi,
Snake Dance, Guinea Harvest, Yamoya, and
Uhrobo Water Spirit Festival
April 14 @ Helsel Hall
Omo Africa, Obatala, Iya Ni Hura, Celebration,
Watusi, Snake Dance, Guinea Harvest
ER, "AHAAD Theatre" Africa Day, May 5, 1984
African Students
Assoc of University of Delaware, Newark DE
Friends of Arthur Hall, Ile Ife North 1984

Additional material sought
Chronological Outline
1983 | 1985
Collection Directory
Collection Index
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