The Arthur Hall Collection
1973 Archive

The items in the Arthur Hall Collection
listed here are now located in the
Special Collections Research Center
Temple University Libraries
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

JN=Joe Nash
ER=Elizabeth Roberts
AH=Arthur Hall
AADE=Afro-American Dance Ensemble

1973 general notes:

Ile Ife House of Love
(1973 16mm 30 min)
by Ray Hartung
Original page included the following note:
[Seek print of film, outs and information]
Since then, Ray Hartung provided a much faded print, along with rights to copy.
Arthur Hall's print went missing in 1988 and has never been found.
The digital copy from Ray Hartung's print can be seen here:

American Dance Festival, USIA, Chicago TV
w/ Bobby Artist & Lisa Williams
seek information

Orpheus at Greaterford Prison
(1973? 16mm 90 min)
Original page included the following note:
seek any material or information
Orpheus @ Greaterford Prison, "Assignment" program on KPVI television
John Miller, producer seek Jon Miller
Since then, the videotape of Orpheus at Graterford Prison was found to be
deposited at the Special Collections Research Center at Temple University,
BUT the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
refuses to allow us to make copies.
See also Orpheus @ Phila Museum of Art, June 5, 1983

Arthur Hall and Ile-Ife Museum of Afro-American Art and Culture
are mentioned in Elsa Honig Fine's
The Afro-American Artist: A Search for Identity
(New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973, page 171).
Apparent source for this information is Victoria Donohoe's "Gallery Tour,"
Philadelphia Inquirer, April 28, 1972, p. 20.
[ref: Tom Weissinger, John Henrik Clarke Africana Library
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY]

1973 Chronology

JN AHAADE Feb 10, 1973
@ Inglis House, Phila Home for the Incurable [program]

JN "Phila Folk Song Society" April 3, 1973
@ Museum of Phila Civic Center w/ Ile Ife Singers

JN, ER Orpheus world premiere, May 13-14, 19-20 (1973)
Shubert Theatre

Two Rolls of 8mm film (Silent, 1973) of Orpheus in Performance
Audio recording (1973) of Orpheus in performance

Overture to Orpheus
An attempt to put the two together.

AH "Hall Dancers Unveil Style In 'Orpheus'"
Phila Inquirer, May 11, 1973 [p.B-1]

JN AHAADE, Summer evenings in Rittenhouse Square, June 4, 1973

ER poster Orpheus, return engagement, June 19 - July 1 (1973)
Schubert Theater, 250 S Broad

JN "New Outlooks at Ile Ife: It's the Conga Drum, not booze & Junk"
Sunday Bulletin 10/21/73, p.1

JN Pan-Afrikan Reception, Nov 23, 1973 Waldorf Astoria, Starlight Ballroom
AH Dancers w/ Imamu Amiri Baraka &c
[Congress of Afrikan People, Newark NJ]

Obatala & the Philadelphia Orchestra
Dec 12, 1973, Academy of Music

Additional material sought

Chronological Outline
1971 | 1972 | 1974

Collection Directory
Collection Index

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