Arthur Hall Collection
Bruce Williams Photos 1977
The items in the Arthur Hall Collection
listed here are now located in the
Special Collections Research Center
Temple University Libraries
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Arthur Hall and Bruce Williams
Woodland Camps, Belgrade Lakes, Maine
during the production of
Snake Dance Teacher Dance
Jil Gilman photo 1977

On August 6, 1977, Arthur Hall arrived in Maine to film his Snake Dance in the woods
to fill in his performance filmed by Abbott Meader and Huey the previous May
in the Winthrop Elementary School gym. While there, he posed in various costumes
for a series of photographs that have been published broadly.
Here are a few of them.

3 Hands is the most reproduced.
The Philadelphia Inquirer used it on the front page
of their Sunday Arts section with the upper hand cut into the masthead.
Lily Yeh used her impression of it in her mural in
Ile Ife Park in Philadelphia

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