Ile Ife Films, Inc.

On the life and times of Arthur Lee Hall
(1934 - 2000)

We'd done the Afro-American Dance Ensemble,
and that was its own success story ...
and it still isn't over,
because it's still in people's souls.

in the
Creative Commons
Full Attribution / Noncommercial

Edited videos in the Arthur Hall Collection c. 25 files

Online Movie Archive
Three parts of the Arthur Hall Collection | Edited works | Archives | Oral Histories

Arthur Hall Collection Archive of Motion Pictures
(c. 80 files with notes about materials that may exist elsewhere)

1957 through 1988

The files and notes contained in the big page for the years 1957 through 1988
are the base materials listed by Arthur Hall for a proposed THIRTY YEAR HISTORY

The files for the years 1989 through 2000 include Arthur Hall's attempt to fill gaps
in the motion picture record.

Films of Abbott Meader
Silent Films / Sound Films / Deep Trout trilogy / MICA films / Two Exhibitions

Dedicated to the arts and education since 1995
History of the company, Board of Directors, Annual Reports, etc.

Remembering Arthur Hall

Contact us

Arthur Hall | Founder and Artistic Director
Biographies, obituaries, art works, etc.

Ile Ife Films is the original home of
The Arthur Hall Collection

Now a special collection in the
Special Collections Research Center
Temple University Libraries
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

More links on our old fashioned homepage