1994 - 1999
Financial Summary
Ile Ife Films for the organization as a whole
Ile Ife Films
for the organization as a whole
1994-1999 Consolidated Statement of Revenue and Expense
1994-1999 Gross Revenues - $109,809
1994-1999 Cost of Operations - $99,709
1994-1999 Operational Profit (Loss) - 10,100
1994-1999 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow
1994 Opening Cash Balance - $0.00
1999 Closing Cash Balance - $116
1994-1999 Consolidated Statement of Revenue Analysis
Cash Contributions - $40,227
Grant Awards - $25,300
Sales - $37,752
Equipment Donations - $6,450
Interest Income - $81
1994-1999 Total Revenues - $109,809
1994-1999 "In-kind" Contributions - $162,518
1994-1999 Total Revenue and "In-kind" Contributions - $272,328
1994-1999 Consolidated Statement of Expense Analysis - Professional Fees
Includes all monies paid to directors
1994-1999 Professional Fees Paid to Directors - $13,419
1994-1999 Professional Fees Paid to Others - $16,247
1994-1999 Total Professional Fees Paid - $29,666
Arthur Hall Collection
Statement of Revenue and Expense
1994-1999 Gross Revenue - $69,465
1994-1999 Cost of Operations - $61,463
1994-1999 Operational Profit (Loss) - $8,002
1994-1999 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow
1994 Opening Cash Balance - $0.00
1999 Closing Cash Balance - $62
Arthur Hall International Dance Center
Statement of Revenue and Expense
1995-1999 Gross Revenue - $40,344
1995-1999 Cost of Operations - $38,247
1995-1999 Operational Profit (Loss) - $2,098
1995-1999 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow
1995 Opening Cash Balance - $0.00
1999 Closing Cash Balance - $54
Seven Concerts
Seven Concerts by Year
Statement of Revenue and Expense - August 1995 to February 1997
Seven Concerts by Concert
Statement of Revenue and Expense - August 1995 to February 1997
Ile Ife Philadelphia Maine
(four concerts)
Gross Revenues - $14,467
Cost of Operations - $18,752
Operational Profit (Loss) - ($4,285)
The Rhythm of Life
Gross Revenues - $12,720
Cost of Operations - $12,024
Operational Profit (Loss) - $696
African Harvest ~ Ellsworth
Gross Revenues - $3,418
Cost of Operations - $3,627
Operational Profit (Loss) - ($209)
African Harvest ~ Camden (through January 1997)
Gross Revenues - $6,402
Cost of Operations - $5,895
Operational Profit (Loss) - $508
Return to 1996 Annual Report
Return to Ile Ife