Push Pins on Parade

Bruce Williams

Push Pins on Parade

(Digital video, 2013, 28:55 minutes)

Bruce Williams weaves fragments from events at an art show by colleague Abbott Meader
into a unique visual and sound fabric that collapses time while providing a rich
mixed salad, pot pourri, smorgasbord, or all-you-can-eat three course meal, opening
with an exploration of the visual arts, with reference to ancient Egypt, trout fishing
in Maine, and the work of R. Mutt, followed by an exploration of presidential leap-year
2004 (at 9:12), just in time for presidential leap-year 2016, and finally (at 20:45),
a digital remix of two of Abbott Meader's films, one from 1969 and another from 1977.
Abbott's son Darmon Meader plays saxophone. Louis Armstrong plays trumpet.
Alfred Brendel plays piano.

Bruce Williams films online

Bruce Williams filmography