A 2008 Celebration of the Infusion of African Dance, Drumming, Culture and Art
Into the Fabric of American Life
By Barbara C. Wallace, Ph.D. (2008, StarSpirit Press: Philadelphia)
50 Years and Counting is well illustrated and includes four major writings:
- The Significance of Arthur Hall's Work and the Need for Preservation and
Dissemination (pages 1-15)
- The Story of Arthur Hall's Life Journey (pages 16-36)
- The 50th Anniversary Photo-Yearbook of the Arthur Hall Afro American Dance Ensemble Alumni
(pages 37-46)
- The 31 Year History of the Asona Aberade Shrine (1977-2008) and Introduction to Five New Kings
With over 120 pages, the book is also the program for the
for the first Cultural Arts Community Affair, December 12, 2008, at the Community
College of Philadelphia, which included:
- A fundraising dinner and premiere of
Renaissance on Sacred Ground
- A performance by Nana Korantema Ayeboafo and the African Ensemble
- The Arthur Hall Afro American Dance Ensemble Alumni performing
Salaam Alleikum and Ode to Yemanya
- An Award Presentation, and
- The Grand Procession and Introduction of Five Kings of the Asona Aberade Shrine
to the Philadelphia Community
Published by StarSpirit Press
PO Box 42048
Philadelphia, PA 19101
To order go to StarSpirit Press
or contact StarSpirit Press at the address above or
Call 215.763.4054 | FAX 215.763.4217
Nana Korantema Ayeboafo
and the African Ensemble
Won Ba Aye (6:30)
Dondo Swing (8:19)
High Life (6:28)
Mpampa (8:19)
Drum Dirge (8:43)
Also available from StarSpirit Press

Barbara C. Wallace, African Shamans and Ancient Shrines

Nana Akomfohene Korantema Ayeboafo, Celebrating the Life of Nana Akomfohene Akua Oparebea

Nana Akomfohene Korantema Ayeboafo,
Tigare Speaks: Lessons for Living in Harmony (2005)
The Greatest Love
Nana Korantema Ayeboafo's
Solo Studio Mix
Sawpaa (4:53)
Mapampa (5:48)
Atinae (4:55)
Ghana Highlife (3:37)
Sekere Solo (2:45)